All You Need to Know


Want to make your California real estate license renewal quick and painless? As a California real estate agent, you must complete 45 hours of continuing education every four years following your original date of licensure. We’ve listed the top five California real estate schools to help you complete your continuing education hours and renew your license in no time!

Top 5 Schools for California Real Estate License Renewal

(California continuing education package prices as of October 2023)

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California Real Estate Governing Body:

California Department of Real Estate


Post-licensing Requirements:

45 hours within four years of becoming licensed


Continuing Education Requirements:

45 hours every four years from date of initial licensure


Renewal Fee:

$245 for salespersons, $300 for brokers


Late Renewal Fee:

$367 for salespersons, $450 for brokers

How to Renew Your California Real Estate License

The number of hours required for your California real estate license renewal depends upon whether you’re renewing for the first time or you’ve renewed your license before. Let’s look into your specific continuing education (CE) requirements.

Choosing a school that fits your schedule, budget, and lifestyle can make the recurring process of fulfilling your CE requirements a snap. So, let’s dive into our top picks for California real estate license renewal.

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Best Value in California Real Estate License Renewal: McKissock Learning

McKissock Learning scorecard


  • Self-paced courses
  • Annual subscription option at an affordable rate


  • No live instruction
  • No networking opportunities

  • Typical price per individual CE course: $29-$69
  • Noteworthy course: California Management and Supervision

As a sister company of Colibri Real Estate, McKissock Learning is no stranger when it comes to innovative learning. Since opening up in 1990, McKissock Learning has served millions of real estate professionals all over the country. The company knows what students are after: quality courses and flexible learning options at a reasonable cost.

McKissock Learning Pricing

In California, McKissock Learning offers four packages for agents and brokers, including one annual subscription option.

  • Salesperson First-time Renewal ($69): This package includes all the required courses, electives you can customize, and an additional ethics course that meets the National Association of Realtors (NAR) membership requirements.
  • Second and Subsequent Renewal ($69): All mandatory courses for each subsequent renewal are included in this package, with the same features as above.
  • Broker First-time Renewal ($69): If you’re a broker looking to renew your license, this package offers everything you’ll need to knock out your post-licensing requirements.
  • California CE PLUS Membership ($99 per year): With this option, you’ll get access to all your required CE courses, the Pro-Series webinar library, how-to videos, worksheets, scripts, and a premium subscription to RISMedia.

(California prelicensing package prices as of October 2023)

Best Feature

Our favorite McKissock Learning feature is the California CE PLUS Membership. This gives Realtors access to exclusive features that are not included in their regular license renewal packages.

Room to Improve

If there’s something we’d like to see from McKissock Learning, it would be the membership’s exclusive features as standalone products. This way, other Realtors would have the option to just get access to McKissock’s professional development tools or job aids regardless of which school they choose for CE.

Bottom Line

If you want to get the most bang out of your buck, McKissock Learning is the right option for you.

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Best Course Variety in California Real Estate License Renewal: The CE Shop

The CE Shop scorecard


  • Offers a wide range of interesting electives
  • Modern, expertly designed curriculum
  • Mobile-friendly


  • No networking opportunities
  • No live class option

  • Typical price per individual CE course: $19-$29
  • Noteworthy course: California Ethical and Effective Online Advertising

The CE Shop got its start in continuing education, so it’s no surprise they offer the greatest variety of CE courses. Besides their package options, you’ll find helpful individual courses like Identifying Homebuying Advantages for Veterans and Social Media Compliance.

The CE Shop Pricing

In California, The CE Shop offers three continuing education packages for agents and brokers. All packages include an ethics course that satisfies NAR’s membership requirements.

  • 45-hour CA CE First-time Sales Package ($75): This package includes 17 hours of mandatory courses plus a variety of consumer protection and customer service electives.
  • 45-hour CA CE First-time Broker Package ($75): For brokers renewing their licenses for the first time, this package includes 20 hours of mandatory courses and 25 hours of consumer protection and customer service courses.
  • 45-hour CA CE Subsequent Renewals Sales and Broker Package ($75): In this package, you’ll get a California Salesperson and Broker Survey nine-hour course, plus 36 elective hours.

(California prelicensing package prices as of October 2023)

Best Feature

We have to call out The CE Shop’s catalog of CE courses, giving agents many ways to fulfill their CE hours in a way that’s targeted toward their specialties or niches.

Room to Improve

The CE Shop isn’t for you if you’re looking for home study or printed material. All of its CE course material is only available online.

Bottom Line

The CE Shop is for you if you’d like a varied catalog of different CE topics to choose from.

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Best Video Courses in California Real Estate License Renewal: Kaplan

Kaplan scorecard


  • Self-paced and live online class options
  • Lots of relevant electives to choose from


  • Typical price per individual CE course: $16-$29
  • Noteworthy course: Scams, Scoundrels, and Real Estate Stings

Kaplan offers its CE courses in a variety of formats. You can choose from online self-study, livestream, and home study.

Kaplan Pricing

Kaplan offers three 45-hour CE packages for salespersons’ and brokers’ second and subsequent license renewals.

  • California 45-hour Event Marketing Package—Second and Subsequent ($59): This package includes the mandatory nine-hour survey course plus electives on real estate-related scams, promoting your business, and protecting consumers.
  • California 45-hour Protecting California Consumers from Real Estate Scams Package—Second and Subsequent ($59): This includes all courses in the above package but instead of the marketing course, you’ll take a course on California foreclosures and short sales.
  • California 45-hour Repurposing Property Package—Second and Subsequent ($59): With this option, you’ll get a course on repurposing property as an elective.

(California prelicensing package prices as of October 2023)

Renew your California real estate license by enrolling in a 45-hour California continuing education course through Kaplan!

Best Feature

Kaplan’s CE courses stand out for the access they offer to engaging video courses since the alternative is text-heavy study.

Room to Improve

Currently, Kaplan’s continuing education offerings in California are only for agents’ second and subsequent renewals. We hope that they can bring back their first-time renewal packages.

Bottom Line

Choose Kaplan if you’d appreciate a more engaging video lecture to complete your CE hours.

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Best Mobile Experience in California Real Estate License Renewal: 360training

360training scorecard


  • Lots of elective options
  • Affordable individual CE courses


  • No access to live instructors
  • Package has no extra features

  • Typical price per individual CE course: $15-$19
  • Noteworthy course: Tax Favorable Real Estate Transactions

360training is a top-notch online provider offering various real estate education programs nationwide. Its platform is well-designed and organized so you can navigate easily and quickly.

Plus, the platform is optimized for mobile devices so that you can easily take your course from your tablet or mobile device.

360training Pricing

In California, 360training offers three convenient renewal CE packages:

  • California 45-hour Salesperson First Renewal CE Package ($85): This package includes your five mandatory topics, 18 hours of consumer protection courses, and electives.
  • California 45-hour Broker First Renewal CE Package ($85): This package includes your mandatory six topics, 18 hours of consumer protection courses, and electives.
  • California 45-hour Broker and Salesperson Subsequent Renewal CE Package ($85): This package includes your eight-hour overview of six topics, 18 hours of consumer protection courses, and electives.

(California prelicensing package prices as of October 2023)

Best Feature

We like how easy 360training’s platform is to navigate. The material is organized to help make your progress through each course as efficient as possible.

Room to Improve

You’ll need some self-motivation to get through 360training’s online material since they are primarily text-based.

Bottom Line

You won’t regret choosing 360training’s CE courses if you’re on the go and need a reliable platform for your mobile device.

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Best Options of California Real Estate License Renewal Packages: Revei Real Estate Education

Revei scorecard


  • Local school
  • Great customer service
  • Lots of self-paced package options


  • No special interest CE courses other than what’s required
  • No live class option
  • Text-heavy content

  • Typical price per individual CE course: No individual courses available

Revei Real Estate Education is unique in that it only offers CE courses in package format, foregoing the option of choosing individual classes. You do get the choice between online study, home study, and packages with extra features.

What makes Revei Real Estate Education unique is its concierge feature, which will store your CE credits for easy access down the road. This makes it easy to prove to the state of California that you’ve fulfilled your licensure requirements.

Revei Real Estate Education Pricing

Revei Real Estate Education offers four CE packages in online and home-study formats.

  • Basic Online CE ($65): This includes online access to CE materials and exams as well as phone and email support.
  • Printed Physical Books ($85): You’ll get printed CE materials, online exams, and phone and email support.
  • Premier Concierge + Online CE ($99): You’ll get everything in Basic Online CE, plus Revei will store your CE credits and help you renew your license.
  • Premier Concierge + Physical Books ($119): You’ll get everything in the Physical Books package, plus Revei will store your CE credits and help you renew your license.

(California prelicensing package prices as of October 2023)

Best Feature

We appreciate that Revei Real Estate Education offers a concierge renewal service for anyone who needs extra help or enjoys saving a bit of time.

Room to Improve

Revei Real Estate Education doesn’t offer individual CE courses, so you won’t be able to mix and match the classes most relevant to you.

Bottom Line

Revei Real Estate Education’s packages are great if you aren’t looking for specific classes.

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How We Selected the Best Schools for California Real Estate License Renewal

To come up with the best schools for California real estate license renewal, our team at The Close used a weighted rubric to score each school according to the following criteria:

  • Course offerings
  • Value for money
  • Mobile and web interface
  • Presentation of content
  • Student reviews
  • Instructor support
  • Recording and reporting of CE credits

Read more about The Close’s methodology here.

California Real Estate License Renewal: FAQs

Got questions about renewing your real estate license in California? We’ve got answers! And don’t forget to drop your questions in the comment section if there’s anything we missed.

More Career Resources From The Close

With your busy and dynamic real estate career, we hope we helped to make fulfilling your CE requirements and completing your California real estate license renewal as efficient as possible.

At The Close, we’re committed to providing real strategies you can use at every stage of your career. Get our tips directly to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter. You can also join our Facebook Mastermind Group to connect with agents nationwide.


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