23 Real Estate Email Templates for Generating Business in 2023


Email marketing is a great way to consistently communicate with your database, which makes it an essential strategy for growing your real estate business. But coming up with templates for effective real estate emails is a challenge for just about every agent we’ve ever met. 

That’s why we put together this resource of 23 effective real estate email templates you can use for inspiration to help create your own reusable bank of email copy. After the list, check out our 20 rules for writing emails that convert.

Why Real Estate Email Marketing?

Before we get into the email templates, let’s talk about why real estate professionals should embrace email marketing. In spite of the rise of social media marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) bots, and chat apps, email marketing still continues to grow year after year. 

Why do brands rely on this relatively basic technology? It’s fast, affordable, and pretty easy to use. You can create customized campaigns to reach different audiences, automate your sends, fire off spur-of-the-moment messages, broadcast your listings, send holiday and birthday greetings, and so much more, in just a few clicks. 

Not to mention email marketing has one of the highest returns on investment of any advertising channel out there. It consistently generates as much as $45 for every dollar spent, so it’s an efficient and effective way to stay in touch. 

Building your database and creating email marketing campaigns to stay in touch, when done correctly, will generate leads and clients practically on autopilot.

That being said, it’s important to approach your email marketing with a clear strategy. Check out our video on email marketing mistakes to make sure you’re not guilty of making them.

Now that you know why you should be using email marketing along with some mistakes to avoid, here are 23 templates you can steal, broken into categories by recipient.

Real Estate Email Templates for Sellers

1. Discount Broker Objection Handler Email

Originally a phone script, Tom Ferry’s excellent discount broker rebuttal is ideal to use on leads who prefer email.

2. Newer Agent Seller Meeting Follow-up Email

After the listing presentation, great follow-up is important to seal the deal. This script, based on one from Ryan Serhant, is an effective follow-up email that reemphasizes your unique selling point.

3. Open House Feedback Report Email

While open house events are often touted as an opportunity to pick up buyer clients, an open house is also an important opportunity to demonstrate the effort you’re putting in for your seller.

After all, if they aren’t in attendance, they can’t see the expertise you’re bringing to the transaction. While your immediate goal is to provide excellent client service, your long-term goal should be gaining a referral from them. Here is an example of a feedback email we use to keep sellers informed after an open house.

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4. Seller Lead Email

Check out this real estate email template designed to entice homeowners by inviting them to review their potential profit opportunity over coffee. It captures the sense of urgency in acting quickly in a changing market.

5. Reconnecting With a Past Client

While originally designed as a phone script, this approach drafted by Rich Gaasenbeek of IXACT Contact works great as an email template as well for reconnecting with a client you may have lost touch with.

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6. Follow-up Email With Seller 

Here’s another excellent email template from Zillow that you can use for your second contact with a seller. Offering a custom home valuation report is a great way to show your value to your client.

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7. Home Valuation Request Email

Follow-ups for home valuation requests are another email you need to nail right away. Here’s a great example from the annals of Follow Up Boss.

8. Listing Presentation Follow-up Email

It’s crucial to follow up your listing presentation with an email that will close the deal— especially if you didn’t get a signature when you met with them. We use this email to open the door for further conversation and express the urgency of listing their home sooner rather than later.

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Real Estate Email Templates for Buyers

9. Listings Interest 

This template from Market Leader helps you gather more information about your buyer’s wants and needs for their next property.

If you like this script, you might also like working with the company that created it. Market Leader sells buyer and seller leads directly, which means you can start sending emails just like this one right away.

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10. Open House Follow-up Email

Do you have a script for following up with your open house visitors? Check out this next email template from Realvolve that opens the door for the next meeting.

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11. One-year Follow-up Email

Clients you’ve helped into a new home are great sources of referrals, not to mention that after as little as one year in their new home, they may be ready to purchase a vacation home, an investment property, or even an upgrade on their current property.

12. Lender Referral Email

Shopping for a new home can be fun, but sourcing a great lender and securing mortgage financing is often the most complicated aspect of homebuying. Use this lender referral email template from Stacie Staub, cofounder of West + Main Homes, to help turn your prospects into active homebuyers.

13. New Lead Follow-up Email

It typically takes several touches before your lead turns into a client. Doubling up and contacting a new lead by both email and text message keeps you top of mind so your budding relationship doesn’t wither on the vine. Use this email from real estate coach Beverly Ruffner that’s short, sweet, and directly to the point.

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14. First Showing Follow-up Email

Following a first property showing, you’ll want to sum up the day and the listings you showed your client. It’s a great time to demonstrate your honesty with a straightforward and realistic assessment of what you’ve seen together.

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15. Testimonial Email

There are few approaches as effective as providing real-world client testimonials to a new prospect to help them get to know the level of service you provide. But you need to gather the feedback first. Swipe this excellent example from BoomTown.

16. Listings Request Follow-up Email

As a follow-up to providing listing information to a prospective buyer, this real estate email template from Point2 lets you dig a little deeper to find out your client’s likes and dislikes.

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17. Second Contact With a Passive Buyer Email

Sometimes, the second touchpoint with a prospect is more important than the first. Here’s an email to send after speaking with an indecisive buyer lead.

18. Coming Soon Preview Email for Cold Buyer Leads

No one can resist exclusive information, especially if your local market has a very limited number of homes for sale. Real Geeks’ straightforward approach hits the sweet spot.

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19. Renter Converting to Buyer Follow-up Email

Fear of missing out can be a potent motivator for potential first-time homeowners, but you need to be careful about how you approach this technique.

Real Estate Email Templates for Referrals, Recruiting & More

20. Referral Request Email

Since referrals will become the lifeblood of your business as you progress in your career, here’s a great email script from the National Association of Realtors to make the ask. Feel free to personalize it to your own voice.

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21. New Agent Recruiting Email

Looking to expand your brokerage or team? Here’s a great follow-up email template that offers up the value of your experience to new recruits.

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22. Annual Home Sales Report Email

Your emails offering a report on recent home sales are important to get right. Placester’s real estate email template gets straight to the point. I love it because it’s direct, simple, and doesn’t waste any space on the page.

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23. Non-responsive Leads Email

It’s good practice to keep your database filled with responsive contacts, and sometimes you need to prune your list. Use this script to elicit a response from a lead who’s gone quiet. This email gives recipients a time limit for getting back to you in order to stay connected.

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Bottom Line

To write great real estate email templates to engage your leads, check out what other agents are sending, then create an outline and write your own email and subject line. I like to sign up for newsletters just so I can check out the email campaigns that will follow. A good marketer studies the marketing materials they are exposed to. 

I collect sales letters and postcards that I find compelling as good examples. I save good emails in folders in my email account. And they don’t all have to be from the real estate world. I keep anything that I think is well-written and I’ve built a fantastic swipe file that I can go back and reference whenever I need some inspiration. 

I’ve created several real estate email templates by studying other people’s marketing materials over the years. Look at the things that come to you through a marketing lens and a whole world will open up to you. 

Have any email tips you’d like to share? Leave us a comment with your advice below.


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