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10 of the Best Farmers Markets in Louisville Today – RISMedia’s Housecall


By Brian Wallace 

Any big city in America today will have countless farmers markets to explore and enjoy. Louisville just happens to be a city with some of the best and most friendly. These are ten of the best Louisville Farmers Markets below.

Few markets are open year round, but Bardstown Road Farmers Market is one of them. This market, one of the larger in Louisville, hosts a range of vendors. Every Saturday there are cheeses, omelets, jams, honey, salsa, meats, fruits, and vegetables. It offers a classic farmers market experience with a range of foods and pastries.

Crescent Hills Farmers Market, on the other hand, offers a more varied experience. This market, open until October, offers coffee, flowers, music, and candles alongside the typical edible options. They’re known in particular for the soy candles sold, an environmentally friendly delight. 

Eastwood Village Farmers Market is a year-round market that sticks out due to its desserts. For anyone with a sweet tooth the range of cakes and chocolates will keep them plenty satisfied. It is also known for its great relationship with the local community. The vendors here are well supported and appreciated. 

St. Matthews Farmers Market remains as one of the more elite farmers markets in the area. It is known for and prides itself on the quality of its products. They have vendors providing the finest meats, produce, and pastries in the Kentucky-Indiana area. It also offers some other trinkets such as jewelry and spices.

Gray Street Farmers Market is a University of Louisville sponsored market. This market is particularly aimed at outreach and accessibility. In the heart of downtown Louisville it can be hard to access fresh food. Gray Street offers this in abundance.

Phoenix Hill NuLu Farmers Market takes pride in something different than the rest- its staff. This market, known for its easy parking and spectacular staff, is open on Tuesdays. It’s also here that especially sweet and delicious fruit can be bought. 

Beulah Farmers Market, open on Mondays, is also known for its sweets. This means not only fresh fudge, cookies, and muffins, but also watermelon, tomatoes, and squash. Beechmont Open Air Market, open on Saturdays, offers the best honey in the area. It’s accessible, beloved, and open from May to September.

Westport Road Baptist Farmers Market is another weekend option that’s particularly respected for its produce. All the farmers markets listed here have great and fresh fruits and vegetables. Even still, none match up to the Westport Farmers Markets tomatoes. 

Finally, one market that prioritizes entertainment and experience is Douglass Loop Farmers Market. Simultaneously acting as one of the most dog and kid friendly venues makes it a great selection for families. On top of this, it features some of the best and most recognized bands in the farmers market scene. 

And those are ten of the most prominent farmers markets in Louisville. They all have something unique to offer and share respect and love in their communities. They won’t fit each individual’s taste, but hopefully there’s a day, a place, and a market for everyone. 

Brian Wallace is the founder and president of NowSourcing, a infographic design agency based in Louisville, Ky., and Cincinnati, Ohio, and works with companies that range from small business to Fortune 500. Wallace also runs a local event to make the Louisville/Cincinnati region more competitive (#thinkbig).


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