9 Real Estate Mastermind Groups Every Agent Should Join Today


In the early days of Facebook, real estate mastermind groups were all the rage. It seemed like all the successful agents I knew belonged to a “secret” group where they shared “secret” lead generation tips, and it became the stuff of legends. Of course, today, Facebook is a very different place. Most of those “secret” mastermind groups now have tens of thousands of members, but only a handful of posts per month. 

That’s why we decided to dig a little deeper and find active mastermind groups where agents are sharing tips, tricks, memes, referrals, or just a shoulder to cry on when a deal goes south. 

What Is a Real Estate Mastermind Group?

A real estate mastermind group consists of professional agents, brokers, and even investors who network; trade tips; and share successes, opportunities, and entertaining industry-specific content. It’s almost like a town hall for real estate professionals. 

We’ll be honest: Some of them are pretty gimmicky, some are nothing but political infighting, some are full of fluff, and some just want to sell you something (usually a course on how to sell something). But there are mastermind groups out there that we find really valuable. 

What Does It Take to Join a Mastermind Group?

Every group is different. Most are set as “private,” so you’ll have to request to join. Some have stringent requirements, like the number of deals done or years of experience. Some even require a membership fee, which could be several hundred dollars per year. 

What Do I Get Out of a Mastermind Group?

Mastermind groups are designed to help people grow their business, whether that is through referrals, networking, or just exploring opportunities that might not have occurred to you otherwise. It is also a way to stay on top of the latest trends, learn about new technology, and get professional, honest feedback on new ideas.

New agents may find Mastermind groups particularly helpful. It is helpful to have a sounding board and a place where you can ask questions or get advice. It’s also nice to know you’re not alone in learning this complex and chaotic world of real estate.

Our Favorite Mastermind Groups

We’ve narrowed down our favorite mastermind groups and explained why each one offers unique opportunities. Of course, our favorite is our own group of talented, professional, funny, inspiring readers who gather in The Close mastermind group! 

1. Real Estate Rockstar Agents

Real Estate Rockstars

Year Founded: 2014
Number of Members: 46,900
Posts per Month: ~200
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

Real Estate Rockstar Agents was founded in 2014 by Coach Borino for agents to have a safe place to brainstorm, share tips, and ask each other questions about their business.

Join Real Estate Rockstars

2. Real Estate Memes & Videos

Real Estate Memes & Videos

Year Founded: 2016
Number of Members: 43,800
Posts per Month: ~400
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

While The Broke Agent might still be the undisputed heavyweight champion of real estate memes, this low-key private Facebook group is a serious contender and has more variety. You will, of course, find plenty of real estate memes here—lots and lots. You will also find funny videos and maybe the occasional confused new agent looking for help.

Join Real Estate Memes & Videos

3. LabCoat Agents

Year Founded: 2014
Number of Members: 161,100
Posts per Month: ~2,000
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? On approval of admins
Real Estate Agents Only? No

Over the last few years, LabCoat Agents has grown into one of the largest and busiest real estate group on Facebook. Founded in 2014 by California Realtors Tristan Ahumada and Nick Baldwin, the group’s focus is lead generation, lead conversion, and mindset. Although the group is open to non-agents, self-promotion from coaches or other industry experts is not allowed without permission.

Join LabCoat Agents

4. Empowering Women in Real Estate

Year Founded: 2014
Number of Members: 35,500
Posts per Month: ~170
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, mortgage brokers too!

Founded by agent Karen W. Cooper in 2014, Empowering Women in Real Estate was started to do exactly what it says on the tin: help women crush it in real estate! It’s billed as a positive place for support, so you won’t see the usual yelling matches about politics that seem to happen in every other group these days. ? They also share referrals in the group.

Join Empowering Women in Real Estate

5. New Real Estate Agents Facebook Group

Year Founded: 2017
Number of Members: 76,200
Posts per Month: ~500
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? No, mortgage brokers too!

If you’re a new agent or want to pat yourself on the back for helping out a scared, confused newbie, then the New Real Estate Agents Facebook Group is a must-join. This is very active, lively group, so it might be best to only hop in now and then (instead of putting it on your feed). Unless, of course, you really want to immerse yourself in the new agent experience!

Join New Real Estate Agents Facebook Group

6. Real Estate Mastermind

Real Estate Mastermind

Year Founded: 2016
Number of Members: 260,000
Posts per Month: ~3,500
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

Another monster real estate Facebook Group, this one is the busiest of them all, with a whopping 5,000+ posts per month. Agents in the group talk about everything from lead generation to mindset to marketing. The rules are pretty strict, which is good because it keeps the feed (mostly) free from spam and self-promotion.

Join Real Estate Mastermind

7. Real Estate Happy Hour

Year Founded: 2015
Number of Members: 15,500
Posts per Month: ~130
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

Not the busiest group out there, with only around 100 posts per month, but a great group to browse when you have a few minutes to kill between appointments. As the name (and the picture of the llama on their banner) implies, this group is all about sharing a laugh with your fellow agents. Oh, and no, they do not allow posts about politics! ?

Join Real Estate Happy Hour

8. New Real Estate Agents Facebook Support Group

Year Founded: 2018
Number of Members: 30,900
Posts per Month: ~50
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

While this group is a little slow, with only a handful of posts per day, it’s one you probably won’t use until you really need it. Unlike many other real estate mastermind groups, this is not a place to gripe about splits or lost deals—it’s only about one thing: helping new agents with their Facebook advertising.

Join New Real Estate Agent Facebook Support Group

9. Real Estate Agents Referral Group

Year Founded: 2018
Number of Members: 10,500
Posts per Month: ~50
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

While it’s really small compared to other real estate mastermind groups, this group seems to allow self-promotion and off-topic posts. There is a chance you might find a gem of a referral hiding in between the fluff posts. Hey, you never know, right?

Join Real Estate Agents Referral Group

Year Founded: 2019
Number of Members: 8,500
Posts per Month: 15
Private or Public: Private
Self-promotion Allowed? No
Real Estate Agents Only? Yes

While we admit to being a little biased here, we genuinely think our mastermind group is a great (and friendly!) place for agents to hang out on Facebook. So come on in, help set the tone for the conversations, and make a real impact with your fellow agents!

Join The Close Real Estate Agents Mastermind Group

Bringing It All Together 

Have some great real estate mastermind groups you want to share with our readers? Let us know in the comments!


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